Affordalbe Care Act Plans
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Choosing from hundreds of plans can be intimidating to say the least. The first thing we tell our clients even before we go through the subsidy application is simply not to stress. Remember you are purchasing MAJOR MEDICAL INSURANCE. PPO's and POS will generally have the largest doctor networks, including national access, whereas HMO's and EPO plans are more local in their coverage, HMO's requiring referrals to see a specialist.
Our mission is to find the right health insurance plan for you and your family.
Appointed with major carriers across the country allows to shop for you and as a licensed agency our commitment is to understand your needs and with clarity recommend options.
Our services are free to the consumer.
It will not cost more to buy from us than the marketplace or calling a carrier.
In fact, you get more from us.
We are available to you year round to answer questions and assist you with any issues you might encounter with your health plan or the marketplace.
What are the important factors when deciding which policy to purchase?
We call those factors, the "drivers": price, hospital networks/doctor networks, and medication coverage.
Not all come into play when deciding, but without a doubt, one or a combination of these determine the decision to purchase your coverage.
The first driver for most consumers is price.
We are all looking for the most competitive rates particularly when purchasing insurance.
The factors that affect rates are going to be size of doctor and hospital network, and to some extent how often is the deductible exposed on day to day usage.
The best way to find the right Medicare health plan is to work directly with a local licensed insurance agent.
We're all about giving you options.
With those options comes information.
Your local licensed insurance agent can provide you with educational content on the variety of topics that are important to you.
How do you pick the right plan?
When is the enrollment period?
Whatever questions you may have, you can count on us to provide you with answers that make sense.
Our agents reach thousands of people in Arizona, California, Florida, Missouri, Nevada, New Mexico, Ohio, Tennessee and Texas.
How are my medications covered under my ACA or Obamacare plan?
Not all prescribed medications are covered even under the Affordable Care Act.
Each insurance company has a formulary list or preferred brand drug list showing you which medications are covered under your plan and how much will you pay for them.
If you are under a supervised chronic condition treatment, make sure your licensed health insurance agent is aware so he or she can do the research to help you manage your medication costs for the next year.
All these plans use a network of physicians, hospitals and other health care professionals to give you the highest quality care.
The difference between them is the way you interact with those networks.
For example, if you have a stomach ache, you wouldn't go straight to a gastroenterologist.
You would first go to your primary care physician, who'd examine you.
If your primary care physician can't help you, he or she will give you a referral to a gastroenterologist within your network that will.
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