Auto Insurance - No previous coverage necessary, Multi-policy discounts, Bad or no credit, Bad driving record. We offer among the lowest insurance rates, by representing over 15 well-known insurance companies, such as Travelers Insurance, Interboro Insurance, Otsego Mutual, Utica First, Chartis & others.
To help us supply you with the most accurate quote possible, please answer as many questions as you can with the most accurate information available to you.
Information submitted will be held confidential and will be used for quote purposes only.
Submission of application information in no way obligates you to purchase any product or insurance, nor does it represent any agreement to provide coverage under any insurance policy.
Information submitted will be held confidential and will be used for quote purposes only.
Submission of application information in no way obligates you to purchase any product or insurance, nor does it represent any agreement to provide coverage under any insurance policy.
Karis & Karis Inc. a Mineola, NY Insurance Agency specializes in all forms of insurance.
We offer auto insurance, homeowners insurance, commercial business insurance, contractors, health and life policies.
Several attributes that we take pride in are our service, efficiency, reliability and, above all else.integrity.
Christopher Karis started the business in 1990 where we became based in Mineola, New York and have made it our 'home' ever since.
We take pride in servicing both our long time loyal and our new clients to perfection.
We offer auto insurance, homeowners insurance, commercial business insurance, contractors, health and life policies.
Several attributes that we take pride in are our service, efficiency, reliability and, above all else.integrity.
Christopher Karis started the business in 1990 where we became based in Mineola, New York and have made it our 'home' ever since.
We take pride in servicing both our long time loyal and our new clients to perfection.
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